Regulations and Terms of Service
1. The site and the information contained in the site are provided on the "as available" basis as to the availability of the information at the time of publication or at the time of surfing, and Miles of Music gives no warranty or liability for the site or the information contained therein, either explicitly or implicitly, including, but not limited to, implied warranties or conditions of liability for ensuring the integrity of the musical works or segments, their accuracy, or the quality the users may expect in order to be satisfied with them or to meet their demands as to their special needs.
2. Miles of Music shall not be liable in any contractual or other way for any tort, negligence, statutory duty or otherwise for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly in any way or manner under this contract, including, but not limited to, damage or loss of business, loss of profits, disruption of proper business management or business interruption, loss of business information or any other financial or direct loss of money by users (even if Miles of Music has been warned or advised of the possibility of such loss or damage).
3. Miles of Music makes its site available to the user solely for the business purposes of the user and for downloading music files, and the user may receive the license of use from Miles of Music for the relevant production in accordance with the procedure set forth on the site.
4. This site may not be used for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, advertising, copying, transcribing, reproduction, broadcasting or transmitting any and all production music without written consent and permission from Miles of Music.
5. With respect to the terms of use of the Site, the User acknowledges that:
(A) there is no technical possibility to prevent malfunctions on the site and that Miles of Music does not undertake to provide a fault-free site without any temporary unavailability due to any technical incident;
(B) malfunctions or defects in the Site as aforesaid may lead to temporary unavailability of the Site;
C) The ongoing operation of the site may be adversely affected by conditions or malfunctions outside of the control of Miles of Music, including, but not limited to, the failure of the transmission or communication between Miles of Music and the users, between the different parts or sections of the site, and between them and other communications or systems or networks.
6. With regard to the ongoing use of the website -
The User hereby undertakes that:
(A) the Site shall not be used in such a way as to cause significant disruption to the whole or any part of the Site, such as interference that will harm the Site or make the Site less effective, or the effectiveness or functionality of the Site be impaired in any way;
(B) the Site shall not be used for the transmission or publication or propagation of viruses or computer bugs or malware or any type of defamatory, offensive, obscene or threatening contents or material, or in such a way as to cause unnecessary annoyance, inconvenience or discomfort to anyone;
(C) the Site shall not be used in a manner that constitutes a violation of privacy or any other interference with the interests of any other entity, person, company or corporation, or that constitutes an infringement of copyright or breach of confidentiality or infringement of privacy;
The user declares that he is aware that the Miles of Music website also has information security policies and privacy protection Regulations and Terms of Service;
(D) the Site shall not be used to transmit any material for advertising, publicity, promotional purposes, or propaganda of any kind without the prior written consent of Miles of Music;
(E) If it becomes apparent or evident that the User has any rights, claims or contentions upon which he may act against any other user or other users as a result of the use of this Site, he may take steps to exercise such rights, file any lawsuit or action without any connection, reliance or contact with Miles of Music.
7. With regard to intellectual property, the user declares and acknowledges that all copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights in the site and the materials on the site belong to Miles of Music, and these will remain its propriety in its possession and in its sole right of use.
8. With respect to suspension and/or termination of understandings -
Miles of Music shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately and/or suspend the use of the Site if the User makes any breach of these Terms and Conditions.
9. Changes to these terms and conditions -
Miles of Music reserves the right, and the Company retains the right, to change these terms and conditions from time to time and at any time, and the User's continued use of the Site following such changes shall be deemed to be contractual with the Company under the new and modified Terms and Conditions.
10. If the User does not agree to any change to the Terms and Conditions of this Privacy Policy, the user shall immediately cease the use of the Site and notify Miles of Music.
11. Any provision of this Privacy Policy and of this set of Terms and Conditions which are intended to prevent or limit the Company's liability shall be construed and interpreted separately and will stand on its own in its entirety and shall remain in force even if for any reason one or more of the other provisions is found or disclosed or proven to be invalid or restricted or unenforceable under any circumstances, and therefore all other provisions shall remain in force and remain as such in the event of termination of any other regulations in this Privacy Policy.
12. No waiver of a particular claim or legal action by Miles of Music shall be deemed or interpreted as waiving any prior claim or legal action or any prior or future breach of any provision.
13. The privacy regulations shall be subject to the Israeli laws, and the above-mentioned parties shall be subject, without any right of denial or appeal, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Israel.
14. The Miles of Music site is a site that offers Internet surfers a particular type of published contents, information, and additional content in various fields (hereinafter - "the Services"). The services offered on the site are offered subject to and in strict accordance with the consent of the users to the contents and stipulations of these regulations.
15. The commencement of use and the continued use of the Miles of Music site constitutes the consent of the user that he has read all of the contents of these regulations in advance and has agreed to the contents thereof, and he has so proceeded before he began to surf or browse any other page on the site.
16. A user who has commenced the use and carries on continued use and surf on the Miles of Music site implicitly declares that the contents of the site's rules are known to him and these site's rules will determine any differences of opinion between the parties.
The user hereby declares that in any event of this kind, he shall not be entitled to raise any claims in relation to his lack of consent or his disapproval of any provision of this Agreement or any terms of the site's rules.
17. The User agrees with irrevocable, complete and unequivocal consent towards this Internet Service Provider, and/or any third party acting on its behalf, to give Miles of Music his personal and correct details and the means of communication with him immediately upon their first demand.
18. In these Terms of Use, the following terms have been given the following meanings:
"Information" and / or "Content" - any material and / or audio and / or text and / or video and / or information and / or content and / or proposal and / or publication and / or details displayed on the site and / or on any other media and related in any way to the company, including words, text, pictures, drawings, sketching or illustrations, and including the manner of design of the above or any concentration or detail or item of digital content in a way that creates any uniqueness.
"Company" - Miles of Music and/or any person and/or entity on its behalf and/or the holding company and/or affiliate and/or any of them and/or on their behalf that operate on the site.
"User" and/or "Surfer" - any person and/or entity and/or body that enters the site and/or surfs the site.
19. The Miles of Music site user undertakes that any text or remarks or notices he may publish there will not violate the provisions of any law and / or shall not include any offensive or rights infringing material which may derogate or infringe or violate the proprietary rights of others, and / or post any pornographic or sexually explicit material and / or that of any type that may harm the feelings of the public in all its forms, its diversity and its manifestations, and / or any material relating to minors and / or unwillingly identifying them, and / or any illegal material and / or any material that encourages, supports, assists, provides instructions for the performance or identification of an act constituting a criminal offense under the laws of the State of Israel and / or the laws of another sovereign state, and / or any material that violates judicial orders or is liable to violate judicial orders and / or which is liable to harm state security and / or violate the provisions of enforceable censorship, and / or any material that constitutes defamation or libelous material or which may constitute defamation of a person and / or infringes any person or entity 's privacy and / or any material whose publication is prohibited under the provisions of any law, and / or any material that may mislead a consumer, as defined in the Consumer Protection Law, 1981, or any other law.
20. In the event of a breach of the provisions of these Regulations and / or of articles in the Terms of Service, the user hereby agrees to compensate, without proof of damage, in favor of the company and / or any offended party, in an amount which will be the maximum amount as stated in the Commercial Wrongs Law and / or in the Defamation Law and / or in the Copyright Law, and in any case the higher of any statutory amounts, as the case may be and according to the date of the breach of provisions.
21. The Company shall be entitled to terminate or suspend its activities and/or the Forum's activities without any prior notice and the User shall have no claim against the Company in this matter.
22. The information published on the website as well as the ads displayed on it, may present a direct referral or may suggest a connection or may recommend or in any way make it possible for the user to refer to additional sites on the Internet.
The Company is not responsible in any way for the contents of the information displayed on these sites, as it is unable to determine the nature, quality or reliability of the information on these sites.
Any use of the information on these sites will be at the user's own risk and on the User's own responsibility.
23. The Company shall not be responsible for the content published in the links existing on the Site and/or leading to other sites accessed through those links.
The company does not guarantee that the link (or any links) on the site will lead the user to an active website.
24. With regard to downloading of music or any files, the user declares that he is aware that the copyrights, patent rights, trade secrets, ownership rights and/or use of the information, including the distribution rights and any other intellectual property on the information belong to the company and the user shall have no rights whatsoever on the information other than that of the use of that information for the explicit needs of the User.
25. Various parts of the information regarding the music files and some of the other materials are displayed on the site in accordance with agreements between the Company and third parties.
The copyright in these contents and/or the materials belong to the third parties who have permitted the Company to use them.
The Miles of Music site user may not copy, reproduce, distribute, market, use, transfer or transmit to others the information and / or part of it and / or texts and / or parts thereof and / or content and / or part of them and / or materials and / or make any commercial use thereof or any other use of non-commercial nature, without prior written consent from the Company.
26. The Company may immediately suspend or block the services to the User if the User has used the Services in violation of the requirements of any law and/or in violation of the provisions of these Articles or for any other reasonable reason.
27. Blocking or suspending of services by the company can be done by use of technological means or by sending a letter and/or e-mail to the user prohibiting him from using the site.
28. The User undertakes to respect and comply with any prohibition of the Company to surf the Site, insofar as it is aware of it.
29. For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby clarified that termination of the agreement between the parties shall not derogate from any of the user's obligations towards Miles of Music as provided in this Agreement.
30. Miles of Music may make changes to the rules of use from time to time at its discretion and any change will be binding on the user/users from the moment it was published on the site.
31. The user carries the obligation to be updated periodically on any changes made to these Regulations and Terms of Service, and no argument or claim on his part shall be accepted or heard as to the fact that he has not been updated.
32. Miles of Music may at its discretion demand and collect payments for the material it offers on the site as a service to the user and the user will not be entitled to claim that he did not know or did not take into account such possibility.
33. Miles of Music may send messages to the User as it sees fit and the User hereby gives his consent.
34. The user declares that he has read the terms and conditions of use, understood them and gives his consent that he knows they are binding him.
35. The user declares that he is aware of Miles of Music's contractual relations with foreign publishing companies and that Miles of Music and the foreign publishing companies may transmit or receive information to and from each other, as well as content and music files, including details about the users, insofar as this relates to their work in the music field, to their work in general and to the downloading of music files.
36. The user agrees hereby that the Israeli law applies to the regulations, and the sole jurisdiction in any matter relating to the services provided to the site will be the authorized court in Tel Aviv only.
From your friends at
Miles of Music